Asteroid Kamo`oalewa's Journey from the Lunar Giordano Bruno Crater to Earth 1:1 Resonance

Nature astronomy(2024)

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Among the nearly 30,000 known near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), only tens possess Earth co-orbital characteristics with semi-major axes similar to 1 au. In particular, 469219 Kamo'oalewa (2016 HO3), an upcoming target of China's Tianwen-2 asteroid sampling mission, exhibits a meta-stable 1:1 mean-motion resonance with Earth. Intriguingly, recent ground-based observations show that Kamo'oalewa has spectroscopic characteristics similar to space-weathered lunar silicates, hinting at a lunar origin instead of an asteroidal one like the vast majority of NEAs. Here we use numerical simulations to demonstrate that Kamo'oalewa's physical and orbital properties are compatible with a fragment from a crater larger than 10-20 km formed on the Moon in the last few million years. The impact could have ejected sufficiently large fragments into heliocentric orbits, some of which could be transferred to Earth 1:1 resonance and persist today. This leads us to suggest the young lunar crater Giordano Bruno (22 km diameter, 1-10 Myr age) as the most likely source, linking a specific asteroid in space to its source crater on the Moon. The hypothesis will be tested by the Tianwen-2 mission when it returns a sample of Kamo'oalewa. And the upcoming NEO Surveyor mission may help us to identify such a lunar-derived NEA population.
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