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New Recommendations on Cerebral Venous and Dural Sinus Thrombosis from the German Consensus-Based (s2k) Guideline

C Weimar, J Beyer-Westendorf, FO Bohmann, G Hahn,S Halimeh,S Holzhauer,C Kalka,M Knoflach,H-C Koennecke,F Masuhr,M-L Mono,U Nowak-Göttl, E Scherret, M Schlamann,B Linnemann

Neurological Research and Practice(2024)

Cited 0|Views16
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Key words
Cerebral venous thrombosis,Dural sinus,Cerebral vein,D dimers,Anticoagulation,Thrombectomy,Hemicraniotomy,Decompressive surgery,Contraception,Pregnancy
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