Plasmodium Yoelii Surface-Related Antigen (pysra) Modulates the Host Pro-Inflammatory Responses Via Binding to CD68 on Macrophage Membrane

Xin Feng,Jia-Li Yu,Yi-Fan Sun, Chen-Yan Du, Yao Shen, Lu Zhang, Wei-Zhong Kong, Su Han,Yang Cheng

Infection and immunity(2024)

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Malaria, one of the major infectious diseases in the world, is caused by the Plasmodium parasite. Plasmodium antigens could modulate the inflammatory response by binding to macrophage membrane receptors. As an export protein on the infected erythrocyte membrane, Plasmodium surface-related antigen (SRA) participates in the erythrocyte invasion and regulates the immune response of the host. This study found that the F2 segment of P. yoelii SRA activated downstream MAPK and NF-kappa B signaling pathways by binding to CD68 on the surface of the macrophage membrane and regulating the inflammatory response. The anti-PySRA-F2 antibody can protect mice against P. yoelii, and the pro-inflammatory responses such as IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha, and IL-6 after infection with P. yoelii are attenuated. These findings will be helpful for understanding the involvement of the pathogenic mechanism of malaria with the exported protein SRA.
Plasmodium yoelii,surface-related antigen,macrophage,inflammatory response,CD68
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