Biosynthesis, Structural Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized Using an Eco-Friendly Method with Mentha Spicata L. Extract and Their Antimicrobial Activity and Toxicological Risk Assessment

Zaryab Khalid, Ayesha Javed,Tahira Alyas,Shabnum Shaheen,Moona Nazish, Rimsha Khalid, Sami Al Obaid, Mohammad Javed Ansari,Asif Kamal

Results in chemistry(2024)

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Due to the development of microbial resistance to medicines the development of antiseptics items on AgNPs is a vital task. To assess the efficacy of products based on AgNPs, it is essential to conduct an in-depth study of the activity of AgNPs. Currently, nanomaterials prepared through ecofriendly procedure has got great interest. In the recent study, the potential of Mentha spicata L. to synthesize AgNPs is described. The nanoparticles were characterized by spectroscopic and microscopic tools including UV–Vis, XRD, FT-IR, and SEM techniques. The obtained nanoparticles were assessed against microbes in antibacterial, and antifungal activities along with their biocompatible nature. The prepared AgNPs exhibited outstanding activity against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The highest cleared zone was noted at 20 mg/mL against E. coli (24 mm) followed, P. aeruginosa (22 mm), Klebsiella (21 mm), S. typhi (18 mm) and by S. aureus (17 mm). Similarly, the AgNPs showed antifungal activity at all concentrations but the highest zone of inhibition was observed at 1 mg/mL against A. niger (23 mm) followed by A. alternata (20 mm) and F. oxysporum (18 mm) The biocompatibility activities of the prepared nanoparticles towards RBCs were assessed in the range of 15 to 120 µg/mL. The hemolytic activity confirmed that the bio-inspired AgNPs is a safe as per the standard of American Society for Testing and Materials. The use of silver nanoparticles in drug delivery systems might be the future thrust in the field of medicine. Lastly these must provide highly accurate disease treatments that are eco and patient friendly, safe, dependable and profitable.
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Key words
Silver nanoparticles,Structural characterization,Medicinal plants,Antifungal activity,Antibacterial activity,Toxicological assessment
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