COeCO: A new β-delayed conversion-electron spectroscopy setup for low-energy ISOL beams at the ALTO facility in Orsay

G. Tocabens,C. Delafosse, D. Verney, E. Cantacuzène,M. Cheikh Mhamed, I. Deloncle, F. Didierjean, W. Dong, C. Gaulard, B. Genolini, J. Guillot, F. Hammache, S. Harrouz,F. Ibrahim, H. Jacob, M. Kaci, A. de Lara,N. de Séréville,F. Le Blanc,M. Lebois

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2024)

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A new β-decay station, COnversion electrons Chasing at Orsay (COeCO), has been developed at ALTO to perform conversion electron spectroscopy studies of neutron-rich nuclei produced by photo-fission of a uranium carbide target. It is based on the collection of a low-energy ISOL beam on a mylar tape, and the transportation of the electrons emitted by the produced radioactive source through a magnetic field induced by two copper coils, towards a cooled Si(Li) detector. In this article, a detailed description of the new decay station and its components is given. The magnetic field induced by the coils was measured and compared to simulations performed with the COMSOL® software. The efficiency of the detection setup was estimated using a 207Bi and a 152Eu source as an off-line commissioning. Finally, the results obtained with a 96Rb radioactive beam for the on-line commissioning are presented.
Conversion-electron spectroscopy,Magnetic transporter,β-decay,Half-life measurements
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