
The Effects of Dosages of Potassium Fertilizer on Growth and Harvest Index of Two Types of Sweet Potato (ipomoea Batatas L.)

Mardhiah Hayati, - Saparudin, Teddy Kurniawan, Hifnalisa,Murna Muzaifa,Cut Nur Ichsan, Nura, Nurul Faudiah

IOP conference series Earth and environmental science(2024)

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This research aims to determine the effect of potassium fertilizer dosages and the type of sweet potato plant as well as the interaction between these two factors on the growth and harvest index of sweet potato plants. This research was carried out at Saree, Aceh Besar Regency and the Plant Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam, Banda Aceh. This research was carried out for 4.5 months from April to September 2023. The research design used was a Randomized Block Design with a 4 x 2 factorial pattern with 3 replications, so that there were 8 treatment combinations consisting of two factors, namely the dosages of potassium fertilizer consisting of 4 levels, namely: control, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha −1 and sweet potato types consisting of 2 levels, namely: Saree local clone and Cilembu. The results of the research showed that the plant growth and harvest index were better when treated with a potassium fertilizer dosage of 300 kg ha −1 . Better plant growth and harvest index were found in the Cilembu variety. There was no significant interaction between dosages of potassium fertilizer and types of sweet potato plants on all the parameters observed.
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