Neuromuscular Problems of the Critically Ill Neonate and Child

Seminars in Pediatric Neurology(2024)

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Acute neuromuscular disorders occasionally occur in the Pediatric Neurologic Intensive Care Unit. Many of these are primary disorders of the motor unit that may present acutely or exacerbate during an intercurrent illness. Additionally, acute neuromuscular disorders may develop during an acute systemic illness requiring intensive care management that predispose the child to another set of acute motor unit disorders. This chapter discusses acute neuromuscular crises in the infant, toddler, and adolescent, as well as neuromuscular disorders resulting from critical illness.
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Acute neuromuscular disorders,critical illness neuromuscular disorders,neurologic critical care unit,critical illness associated weakness,critical illness neuropathy,critical illness myopathy,pediatric critical care neuromuscular disorders,acute flaccid paralysis,hypotonic infant
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