Opportunities for Production and Property Research of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Around N=126 at HIAF

Nuclear Science and Techniques/Nuclear science and techniques(2024)

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The study of nuclide production and its properties in the N=126 neutron-rich region is prevalent in nuclear physics and astrophysics research. The upcoming High-energy FRagment Separator (HFRS) at the High-Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF), an in-flight separator at relativistic energies, is characterized by high beam intensity, large ion-optical acceptance, high magnetic rigidity, and high momentum resolution power. This provides an opportunity to study the production and properties of neutron-rich nuclei around N=126 . In this paper, an experimental scheme is proposed to produce neutron-rich nuclei around N=126 and simultaneously measure their mass and lifetime based on the HFRS separator; the feasibility of this scheme is evaluated through simulations. The results show that under the high-resolution optical mode, many new neutron-rich nuclei approaching the r-process abundance peak around A=195 can be produced for the first time, and many nuclei with unknown masses and lifetimes can be produced with high statistics. Using the time-of-flight corrected by the measured dispersive position and energy loss information, the cocktails produced from ^208 Pb fragmentation can be unambiguously identified. Moreover, the masses of some neutron-rich nuclei near N=126 can be measured with high precision using the time-of-flight magnetic rigidity technique. This indicates that the HIAF-HFRS facility has the potential for the production and property research of neutron-rich nuclei around N=126 , which is of great significance for expanding the chart of nuclides, developing nuclear theories, and understanding the origin of heavy elements in the universe.
HFRS,Fragmentation,Neutron-rich nuclei around N=126,Mass measurement,Lifetime
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