The LysM Receptor-Like Kinase SlLYK10 Controls Lipochitooligosaccharide Signaling in Inner Cell Layers of Tomato Roots

Plant & cell physiology/Plant and cell physiology(2024)

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Establishment of arbuscular mycorrhiza relies on a plant signaling pathway that can be activated by fungal chitinic signals such as short-chain chitooligosaccharides and lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCOs). The tomato LysM receptor-like kinase SlLYK10 has high affinity for LCOs and is involved in root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF); however, its role in LCO responses has not yet been studied. Here, we show that SlLYK10 proteins produced by the Sllyk10-1 and Sllyk10-2 mutant alleles, which both cause decreases in AMF colonization and carry mutations in LysM1 and 2, respectively, have similar LCO-binding affinities compared to the WT SlLYK10. However, the mutant forms were no longer able to induce cell death in Nicotiana benthamiana when co-expressed with MtLYK3, a Medicago truncatula LCO co-receptor, while they physically interacted with MtLYK3 in co-purification experiments. This suggests that the LysM mutations affect the ability of SlLYK10 to trigger signaling through a potential co-receptor rather than its ability to bind LCOs. Interestingly, tomato lines that contain a calcium (Ca2+) concentration reporter [genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators (GECO)], showed Ca2+ spiking in response to LCO applications, but this occurred only in inner cell layers of the roots, while short-chain chitooligosaccharides also induced Ca2+ spiking in the epidermis. Moreover, LCO-induced Ca2+ spiking was decreased in Sllyk10-1*GECO plants, suggesting that the decrease in AMF colonization in Sllyk10-1 is due to abnormal LCO signaling.
Arbuscular mycorrhiza,Calcium spiking,Lysin motif receptor-like kinases,Signal perception,Solanum lycopersicum,Symbiosis
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