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Checking the 8be Anomaly with a Two-Arm Electron Positron Pair Spectrometer

Universe(2024)SCI 4区

VNU Univ Sci | Vietnam Acad Sci & Technol | Inst Nucl Res HUN REN ATOMK | Inst Nucl Sci & Technol | VINATOM

Cited 1|Views12
We have repeated the experiment performed recently by ATOMKI Laboratory (Debrecen, Hungary), which may indicate a new particle called X17 in the literature. In order to obtain a reliable and independent result, we used a different structure of the electron–positron pair spectrometer at the VNU University of Science. The spectrometer has two arms and simpler acceptance and efficiency as a function of the correlation angle, but the other conditions of the experiment were very similar to the published ones. We could confirm the presence of the anomaly measured at Ep = 1225 keV, which is above the Ep = 1040 keV resonance.
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X17,internal pair creation,standard model
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要点】:本文通过重复ATOMKI实验室的实验,使用双臂电子正子对谱仪确认了在Ep = 1225 keV处的异常,可能表明存在名为X17的新粒子。


实验】:实验在VNU大学科学分校进行,重复了ATOMKI实验室的设置,使用相同条件确认了异常,数据集名称未在文中提及,但实验结果验证了Ep = 1225 keV处的异常存在。