
Separation and Transition on the ROTEX-T Cone-Flare


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As part of NATO STO AVT-346 “Predicting Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition on Complex Geometries,” coordinated experimental and computational studies were conducted on the ROTEX-T, a cone-flare geometry used in a successful flight-test experiment. At the as-flown conditions, a separation bubble existed at the compression corner. Separation, reattachment, and the multifaceted linear instability paths leading this bubble to transition to turbulence are challenging to predict, but have significant impact on surface pressure and heat flux. High-resolution background-oriented schlieren and infrared thermography measurements were made in the AFOSR–Notre Dame Large Mach-6 Quiet Tunnel at freestream unit Reynolds numbers from 5.8 million to 12.2 million /m and nominally zero angle of attack. High-speed self- aligned focusing schlieren, infrared thermography, and focused laser differential interferometry measurements were made in the AFRL Mach-6 Ludwieg Tube from 2.2 million to 24.7 million /m and nominally zero degrees angle of attack. The surface heat-flux and Stanton number distributions were computed. Separation and reattachment locations, as well as the flow state at each, were determined from the combination of surface and off-wall measurements. The convective and global boundary-layer instabilities of the axisymmetric laminar flow at the experimental conditions were investigated computationally. Amplification of Mack’s first and second modes were observed to have logarithmic amplification factors between 5 to 7.5 at the separation location, depending on conditions. The flow was found to be globally unstable to stationary three-dimensional disturbances concentrated in the reattachment region. Previous analysis of the ROTEX-T flight data had not assessed reattachment location or the flow state upon reattachment. Thanks to the insights gained from the coordinated, on- and off-wall ground-test measurements, these evaluations have now been made. The separation location indicated by laminar simulations is consistently numerically predicted to be upstream of the experimentally observed location for a transitional separation bubble. The cause of this difference is understood to lie in the steady-state and axisymmetric assumptions made by both solvers employed to compute the basic states analyzed, as flow topology considerations assert that unsteady two-dimensional or axisymmetric separation bubbles are structurally unstable and will become three-dimensional. Computed laminar heating rates prior to separation agreed well with experiment; transitional heating rates after reattachment were between laminar and turbulent computations.
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