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Less Favorable Nutri-Score Consumption Ratings Are Prospectively Associated with Abdominal Obesity in Older Adults


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Nutri-Score is a front-of-package (FOP) labeling designed to assist consumers in selecting healthier options at the point of purchase and ultimately enhance their health. This study aims to evaluate the association between the Nutri-Score system and incident abdominal obesity (AO) in community-dwelling older adults. A prospective cohort of 628 individuals aged ≥ 60 were recruited in Spain between 2008–2010 and were reexamined between 2015–2017. Dietary intake was evaluated utilizing a validated computerized dietary history. Food was categorized based on the Nutri-Score system into five levels from A (green, representing the best quality) to E (red, representing the poorest quality). A five-color Nutri-Score dietary index (5-CNS DI) in g/day/kg was calculated for each participant. AO was determined by a waist circumference (WC) of ≥102 cm for men and ≥88 cm for women. Logistic regression models were adjusted for the main potential confounders. During a mean six-year follow-up, 184 incident cases of AO occurred. The odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for AO, when comparing the highest and lowest quartiles of the 5-CNS DI, were 2.45 (1.17–5.14), with a p-value for trend of 0.035. In sensitivity analyses, the OR was 2.59 (1.22–5.52, p-trend: 0.032) after adjustment for WC at baseline, and 1.75 (0.74–4.18, p-trend: 0.316) after adjustment for ultra-processed food consumption. In conclusion, less favorable food-consumption ratings in the Nutri-Score are associated with incident AO in the elderly. These findings support the use of this FOP system to potentially improve metabolic health.
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abdominal obesity,Seniors-ENRICA 1 study,five-color Nutri-Score,metabolic risk,cohort study
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