Sweet or Not? Azathioprine-Induced Sweet Syndrome Mimicking Erythema Nodosum in a Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

ACG case reports journal(2024)

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This case report highlights the clinical challenge and need to distinguish Sweet syndrome and erythema nodosum (EN) in a 50-year-old woman with newly initiated azathioprine for inflammatory bowel disease. While she initially presented with clinical features concerning for drug-induced Sweet syndrome, a subsequent histopathological examination confirmed early-stage EN. Both Sweet syndrome and EN share common triggers and therapeutic responses, but have distinctive clinical characteristics. Subtle histologic differences also exist in lesion distribution and depth of infiltration. This case underscores the need for accurate differentiation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease to initiate appropriate management and avoid potential complications.
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sweet syndrome,acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis,azathioprine,inflammatory bowel disease,erythema nodosum
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