ZNN Continuous Model and Discrete Algorithm for Temporally Variant Optimization with Nonlinear Equation Constraints Via Novel TD Formula

IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics Systems(2024)

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For dealing with the temporally variant optimization with nonlinear equation constraints (TVONECs), a novel Zhang neural net (ZNN) model is proposed in this work. Two continuous-time computer numerical simulations are constructed to testify the feasibility and correctness of the continuous-time ZNN (CZNN) model. To facilitate the implementation of numerical algorithms on computer, a novel 11-instant time discretization (TD) formula is proposed in this article, and a discrete-time ZNN (DZNN) algorithm (i.e., 11-instant DZNN algorithm) is thus obtained. Besides, theoretical analyses prove the superiority as well as the feasibility of the DZNN11I algorithm. For comparison, other three TD formulas and corresponding discrete-time algorithms (i.e., 2-instant DZNN, 3-instant DZNN, and 7-instant DZNN algorithms) are presented. Finally, numerical experiments and an application to Kinova Jaco2 manipulator control are conducted to illustrate the superiority of the proposed model and algorithm.
Mathematical models,Numerical models,Optimization,Manipulators,Nonlinear equations,Computational modeling,Vectors,Robot manipulator control,temporally variant optimization with nonlinear equation constraints (TVONECs),time discretization (TD) formula,Zhang neural net (ZNN)
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