Wemics: A Single-Base Resolution Methylation Quantification Method for Enhanced Prediction of Epigenetic Regulation


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DNA methylation, an epigenetic mechanism that alters gene expression without changing DNA sequence, is essential for organism development and key biological processes like genomic imprinting and X-chromosome inactivation. Despite tremendous efforts in DNA methylation research, accurate quantification of cytosine methylation remains a challenge. Here, a single-base methylation quantification approach is introduced by weighting methylation of consecutive CpG sites (Wemics) in genomic regions. Wemics quantification of DNA methylation better predicts its regulatory impact on gene transcription and identifies differentially methylated regions (DMRs) with more biological relevance. Most Wemics-quantified DMRs in lung cancer are epigenetically conserved and recurrently occurred in other primary cancers from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), and their aberrant alterations can serve as promising pan-cancer diagnostic markers. It is further revealed that these detected DMRs are enriched in transcription factor (TF) binding motifs, and methylation of these TF binding motifs and TF expression synergistically regulate target gene expression. Using Wemics on epigenomic-transcriptomic data from the large lung cancer cohort, a dozen novel genes with oncogenic potential are discovered that are upregulated by hypomethylation but overlooked by other quantification methods. These findings increase the understanding of the epigenetic mechanism by which DNA methylation regulates gene expression. A single-base methylation quantification approach by weighting methylation of consecutive CpG sites (Wemics) in genomic regions. By leveraging the information from neighboring CpG sites, which tend to have correlated methylation patterns, Wemics provides a reliable quantification of DNA methylation levels. Wemics quantification better predicts DNA methylation regulatory impact on gene transcription and identifies differentially methylated regions with more biological relevance. image
DNA methylation,epigenetics,gene regulation,lung cancer,quantification methods,RRBS,RNA-seq
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