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Carbonic anhydrase-like enzymes in the formation of Lycopodium alkaloid

Huiwen DONG,Huiming GE

Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines(2024)

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Plant alkaloids,renowned for their structural diversity and bioactivity,are prominent in both modern and traditional medicine[1].Unraveling the intricacies of plant alkaloid bio-synthesis could pave the way for the discovery of new natur-al products and pathways.It may also shed light on the roles of existing pathways in host biology and provide valuable tools for metabolic engineering in plants and microbes[2].Unlike other major classes of plant natural products,such as terpenoids and polyketides,the formation of alkaloid scaf-folds does not conform to a uniform chemical theme or de-pend on a singular enzyme class[3].A case in point is the Ly-copodium alkaloids in the Lycopodiaceae family,where the enzymes responsible for their core scaffold construction re-main unidentified[4].
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Lycopodium alkaloid,Carbonic anhydrase-like enzymes,Biosynthesis
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