Wetting Behavior of High Alumina Slags on the Fused Magnesia under Different Atmospheres and Low Static Magnetic Field


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With the growing demand for high-aluminum steel, there is an urgent need to enhance the slag resistance of magnesia-based refractories. The wettability of high-alumina slag on magnesia-based refractories serves as a crucial indicator of the refractory's slag resistance. In this study, the influence of atmosphere and magnetic flux density on the wetting behavior between the slags with different basicity (CaO wt%/SiO2 wt%) and fused magnesia is explored using a high-temperature visualization device with a controllable static magnetic field. Compared to air and argon atmospheres, the apparent contact angle of the slag on the fused magnesia decreases significantly in a vacuum environment as the violent interfacial radical reaction. The static magnetic field of 0.5 mT can regulate the spin state of a single electron in the free radical pair, resulting in an increase of the apparent contact angle by 21.1% in a vacuum atmosphere. It provides new thoughts on the development of external field protection technology for the corrosion resistance of magnesia-based refractories. The wetting behavior of high alumina slags on fused magnesia involves both ion and radical reactions. The wetting behavior of the slag in a vacuum is intensified by interfacial radical reactions. This can be inhibited by a weak static magnetic field, which regulates the electron spin state. These findings support the development of external field protection techniques for magnesia-based refractories.image (c) 2024 WILEY-VCH GmbH
fused magnesia,high-alumina slag,radical reaction,weak static magnetic field,wettability
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