
Feasibility Assessment and Environmental Benefits of Developing Rainwater Retention Ponds Across Najran Valley

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering(2024)

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Water resources in arid and semi-arid regions are constrained by several critical problems, including scarcity of water resources and extensive use of groundwater. Climate change and population growth will certainly result in a decline in water tables and degradation of groundwater quality. The purpose of this study is to create rainwater retention ponds in the Najran Valley located at the southern border of Saudi Arabia. Over the past decade, various researchers have reported a sharp decrease in the availability of water in the area. In addition to urban sprawl, excessive groundwater extraction is the primary cause of the decrease. Even though the valley receives a sufficient amount of rainfall throughout the year, there is no adequate rainwater management system in place. As a result of this combined water management issue, the authorities are seeking additional water storage options in addition to the Najran dam reservoir. To evaluate the flood characteristics of the region, an extensive GIS-based hydrological study is conducted. To estimate flood volumes, the critical flood-prone areas are identified and their catchments are calculated. To store rainwater generated by these catchments during rainfall events, a variety of suitable locations have been proposed for retention ponds. The construction of retention ponds would have numerous environmental benefits in addition to solving the problem of water scarcity. As a result of the study, the authorities will be able to implement a management strategy that maximizes the use of the region's water resources.
Flood risk assessment,Retention ponds,Surface runoff,Hydrological modeling,GIS
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