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Morphological and molecular (SSRs) characterization of different diverse genotypes of blackgram (Vigna mungo L.)

Radheshyam Kumawat,Sanjeev Kumar, Susheel Kumar, Subhash C. Kashyap, Aditi Singh


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Abstract Blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] is a leguminous crop and is an important source of plant-based protein. Thirty genotypes of Indian blackgram were analysed for genetic diversity using morphological, agronomical characters and SSR markers. Identifying elite lines is a major research priority for developing new varieties. The present investigation was carried out at the Advanced Centre for Rainfed Agriculture (ACRA) Dhiansar of SKUAST Jammu of UT of J & K during kharif 2021 to characterize all the eleven characters, viz., plant height, days to fifty percent flowering, number of branches per plant, days to maturity, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, pod length, number of clusters per plant, 1000 seed weight and seed yield per plant morphologically and molecularly. Present study aimed to appraise highly diverse genotypes of blackgram and their associations between molecular markers and yield-contributing traits. Based on dendrograms and PCA values, results from field data and molecular data exhibited two genetically different groups of genotypes namely PU-15-2, PU-13-05 and AZAD-2 were found in group-1, while five genotypes, namely, PU-UPU-97-1, OU-40, PU-KUG216 and PU-15-32 were found in group-2 and such screened genotypes can be further used in the introgressions of specific traits from one group to another group of genotypes. Based on morphological and molecular data, two genetically diverse groups were constituted, and which can be recommended for further utilization in hybridization programs. Three markers namely viz., VR-102, CEDG-156 and CEDG-176 were identified and associated with seed yield per plant and could be useful in seed yield improvement programme of blackgram.
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