
Evaluating the Impact of Artificial Maturation on the Petrophysical and Geochemical Properties of Unconventional Shale Formations by Integrating Dielectric and NMR Measurements

International journal of coal geology(2024)

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This paper addresses challenges in characterizing unconventional shale reservoirs. For the first time, the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and dielectric responses are integrated to characterize intact, saturated, and kerogenrich subsurface shale samples at various maturation stages. The NMR and dielectric were measured separately using independent pieces of equipment, and all NMR and dielectric measurements were carried out at surface conditions. A comprehensive assessment is provided to address the changes induced by maturation through combined geochemical and petrophysical analyses. Shale samples from the Upper Cretaceous sequence of Jordan were characterized using Rock-Eval analysis, before and after maturation treatments. The total organic carbon (TOC) was decreased from 17.4 to 13.8 and 11.3 wt% and the pyrolyzed sulfur content was decreased from 3.32 to 0.25 and 0.15 3.18%, after maturing the samples at 250 degrees C for 1 and 5 days, respectively. The study employed NMR to track changes in pore structure via T2 relaxation time and measured dielectric properties and conductivity dispersion across frequencies from 10 MHz to 1 GHz using a wideband open-ended coaxial probe. After the maturation treatments, the dielectric constant of saturated shale samples doubled, and the conductivity increased by over three times. These changes in dielectric properties can be attributed to increased fluid-rock interfacial polarization and the formation of new pore spaces during maturation. NMR findings also indicated the emergence of a new pore system within the organic matter and the development of new fractures, resulting in a 6 to 12% increase in total porosity. The results obtained indicate that maturation-induced microstructural changes have a more significant influence on the dielectric responses than alterations on total organic carbon.
Unconventional resources,Organic -rich shale,TOC,Artificial maturation,Dielectric,NMR
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