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Accuracy-Improved Fault Diagnosis Method for Rolling Bearing Based on Enhanced ESGMD-CC and BA-ELM Model

Shock and vibration(2024)

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The current methods for early fault diagnosis of rolling bearing have some flaws, such as poor fault feature information and insufficient fault feature extraction capability, which makes it challenging to guarantee fault diagnosis accuracy. In order to increase the accuracy of fault diagnosis, it proposes a new fault diagnosis method based on enhanced Symplectic geometry mode decomposition with cosine difference factor and calculus operator (ESGMD-CC) and bat algorithm (BA) optimized extreme learning machine (ELM). The vibration signal is first decomposed into a number of Symplectic geometry components (SGCs) by SGMD. The number of iterations is reduced by the cosine difference factor, which also successfully separates the noise components from the effective components. The calculus operator is adopted to strengthen the weak fault features, making it simple to extract. The fault feature vectors are calculated by the power spectrum entropy-weighted singular values. Finally, the ELM model optimized by BA iteratively is performed as the final classifier for fault classification. The simulation and experiments demonstrate that the proposed method has a better degree of fault diagnostic accuracy and is effective at extracting the rich fault information from vibration signals.
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Fault Diagnosis,Bearing Faults,Vibration Analysis,Rotating Machinery,Empirical Mode Decomposition
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