
Unveiling the Role of Surface Ir-Oxo Species in O2 Evolution at IrO2 Electrocatalysts Via Embedded Cluster Multireference Calculations

Journal of physical chemistry C/Journal of physical chemistry C(2024)

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Understanding the mechanisms driving the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) on iridium oxide (IrO2)-based catalysts is essential to improving their performance and enabling an actual scale-up of water-splitting photoelectrochemical cells. The mechanistic pathways at IrO2 interfaces have been extensively investigated computationally using density functional theory (DFT), which predicts a high-energy barrier for the last step of the OER of molecular oxygen detachment and release from the catalyst surface. Nevertheless, surface O-2 over- and under-binding results by standard generalized gradient approximation and hybrid density functionals, respectively, call for further analysis of this crucial step via multireference methods. Aiming at unveiling the nature of such a barrier, we hereby address the formation of O-2 from the most-stable IrO2(110) surface with both periodic DFT and an electrostatic embedded cluster approach at the n-electron valence-state perturbation theory. With this multireference approach, we find a value for the aforementioned energy barrier that is much closer to experimental indications than DFT ones. An in-depth analysis of the involved molecular orbitals suggests that the origin of this barrier is related to the breaking of a pi interaction between O-2 and Ir surface atom and to a significant additional O-2 interaction with adjacent electrophilic Ir-oxo species, which is present under experimental operating conditions. Besides shedding light on the mechanism of the OER on IrO2, these findings point out the importance of multireference methods for dissecting complex reactions at electrocatalytic interfaces and pave the route for further investigations with effective embedding approaches.
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