
Epidemiology of Coccidioidomycosis in Argentina, an Update.

Mariana Noelia Viale,Maria Cecilia Lopez-Joffre, Andrea Nora Motter, Patricia Evangelina Mansilla, Flavia Gisele Vivot, Facundo Manuel Muise Acevedo, Viviana del Valle David, Silvia Guadalupe Carrizo,Julian Serrano,Yone Chacon, Patricia Carola Miranda,Christian Alvarez, Maria Sofia Colombres,Fernando Riera, Florencia Davalos,Norma Fernandez,Analia Fernandez,Gladys Posse, Laura Fraenza, Alejandrina Giordano, Adela Ampuero,Susana Amigot,Liliana Guelfand,Patricia Formosa, Monica Machain, Romina Saavedra,Gustavo Giusiano,Adriana Ines Toranzo,Cristina Elena Canteros

Medical mycology(2024)

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The National Reference Laboratory in Clinical Mycology of Argentina conducted a retrospective review of human coccidioidomycosis cases diagnosed by the National Mycology Laboratory Network of Argentina between 2010 and 2022 to determine the burden of the disease in the country. A total of 100 human coccidioidomycosis cases were documented, with a higher prevalence in male patients (male-to-female ratio of 1.9:1), with a median age of 41 years. Comparing the number of cases between two 10-year periods (2000-2009 and 2010-2019), the increase was 36.51% (from 63 to 86 cases). Among the 100 recorded cases, 79 tested positive using the double immunodiffusion test. Spherules were observed in 19 cases through histopathology or direct microscopic examination and the fungus was isolated in 39 cases. Thirty-six isolates were identified as Coccidioides posadasii through partial sequencing of the Ag2/PRA gene. Catamarca province had the highest number of cases, comprising 64% of the total, with an incidence rate above 1.0-2.5/100,000 inhabitants until 2018. However, there has been a recent downward trend in the region from 2018 to 2022. It is concerning that more than half of diagnosed cases were chronic pulmonary or disseminated forms, indicating a lack of early disease detection. To rectify this issue, it is imperative to conduct targeted training programs for healthcare personnel and enhance public awareness within the endemic area. This will contribute to a better understanding of the true burden of coccidioidomycosis and enable the implementation of appropriate sanitary control measures.
coccidioidomycosis,Argentina,incidence,surveillance,Coccidioides posadasii
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