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Biochemical Responses in Pacific Oysters Magallana Gigas (thunberg, 1793): Tools to Evaluate the Environmental Quality of Aquaculture Areas

Marine pollution bulletin(2024)

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The discharge of sanitary sewage into the bays of the Florianópolis Metropolitan Area (Southern Brazil), has led to the contamination of oyster farms. Consequently, linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) were quantified in the sediment, and the biochemical responses in gills and digestive gland of oysters from six farms were assessed. Our findings revealed elevated levels of LABs in the sediment of the Imaruim and Serraria farms. Additionally, alterations were observed in the antioxidant enzymes: catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase in both oyster tissue from the Serraria, Santo Antonio de Lisboa and Sambaqui farms. Furthermore, correlation analyses indicated strong and moderate associations between biochemical responses, organic contaminants, and certain physicochemical parameters. Consequently, our results demonstrated the activation of the antioxidant system in oysters, representing a protective response to the presence of sanitary sewage and other contaminants. Therefore, we propose the utilization of biochemical biomarkers for monitoring the environmental quality of farms.
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Key words
Biochemical biomarkers,Bivalve,Water quality,Sewage,Monitoring
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