Unified results for existence and compactness in the prescribed fractional Q-curvature problem

Yan Li,Zhongwei Tang, Heming Wang,Ning Zhou

Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA(2024)

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In this paper we study the problem of prescribing fractional Q-curvature of order 2σ for a conformal metric on the standard sphere 𝕊^n with σ∈ (0,n/2) and n≥ 3 . Compactness and existence results are obtained in terms of the flatness order β of the prescribed curvature function K. Making use of integral representations and perturbation result, we develop a unified approach to obtain these results when β∈ [n-2σ ,n) for all σ∈ (0,n/2) . This work generalizes the corresponding results of Jin-Li-Xiong (Math Ann 369:109–151, 2017) for β∈ (n-2σ ,n) .
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Prescribing fractional Q-curvatures problem,Blow-up analysis,Existence and compactness,35R09,35B44,35J35
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