Roles of CgEde1 and CgMca in Development and Virulence of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides


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Anthracnose, induced by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, poses a substantial economic threat to rubber tree yields and various other tropical crops. Ede1, an endocytic scaffolding protein, plays a crucial role in endocytic site initiation and maturation in yeast. Metacaspases, sharing structural similarities with caspase family proteases, are essential for maintaining cell fitness. To enhance our understanding of the growth and virulence of C. gloeosporioides, we identified a homologue of Ede1 (CgEde1) in C. gloeosporioides. The knockout of CgEde1 led to impairments in vegetative growth, conidiation, and pathogenicity. Furthermore, we characterized a weakly interacted partner of CgEde1 and CgMca (orthologue of metacaspase). Notably, both the single mutant Delta CgMca and the double mutant Delta CgEde1/Delta CgMca exhibited severe defects in conidiation and germination. Polarity establishment and pathogenicity were also disrupted in these mutants. Moreover, a significantly insoluble protein accumulation was observed in Delta CgMca and Delta CgEde1/Delta CgMca strains. These findings elucidate the mechanism by which CgEde1 and CgMca regulates the growth and pathogenicity of C. gloeosporioides. Their regulation involves influencing conidiation, polarity establishment, and maintaining cell fitness, providing valuable insights into the intricate interplay between CgEde1 and CgMca in C. gloeosporioides.
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Key words
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,Ede1,metacaspase,conidiation,polar establishment,pathogenicity,insoluble proteins
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