Robo-Identity: Designing for Identity in the Shared World

HRI '24 Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction(2024)

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Following the success of the first two editions of the Robo-Identity workshop, this workshop seeks to extend the discourse on artificial identity in robots with a particular emphasis on the fluid nature of robo-identity in our shared world. Specifically, this third edition focuses on questions regarding how the fluidity of robot identity can help enable personalized engagement, reverse the perpetuation of harmful social biases, and promote a future of more inclusive and adaptable technologies. This can be an opportunity to discuss questions such as: How do we design robots that can adapt to individuals' and groups' evolving identities? How can robots cater to the changing needs and preferences of people? How can and should robots analyze and synthesize evolving human identity while effectively adapting over time? How should robot identity be presented? When would it be appropriate to adapt and present a particular robot identity? For a rich discussion on these questions during the workshop, we encourage submissions from various disciplines that present different perspectives and challenges when designing robo-identity in the shared world.
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