BioGeoSCAPES: Ocean metabolism and nutrient cycles on a changing planet


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Global biogeochemical cycles in which essential elements are transformed and recycled are governed by microbial processes. Despite international efforts of studying these important cycles, fundamental questions remain especially regarding fluxes and regulation. The international BioGeoSCAPES initiative aims to unravel the intricacies of these interconnected biogeochemical cycles and improve our understanding of the microbial biogeochemistry of the oceans from regional to ocean basin-scale on a changing planet. The community envisions a more quantitative and predictive understanding of ocean biogeochemical cycles and metabolism by combining detailed information of nutrient/metabolite fluxes, plankton and biochemical processes. The program has an integrative and multidisciplinary approach, by combining state-of-the-art methods in biochemistry, omics, physiology and modeling. Within the scope of BioGeoSCAPES standardized best practices will be established and intercalibration efforts carried out to create an international interoperable data system that nations around the world can contribute to and participate in.Currently, a globally-supported science plan is being developed, in which key scientific interests are identified such as mapping key metabolisms over space and time, measuring rates to connect microbial metabolisms to biogeochemical cycles, and predicting interactions with environmental change. In the near future, the BioGeoSCAPES community will work towards integrating modeling efforts across a range of scales and to develop the infrastructure to support this global initiative. Initial objectives of the science plan will be presented to discuss with the Ocean Sciences community and to receive feedback.
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