Impacts of source morphology on the detectability of subhalos in strong lenses

Tyler J. Hughes,Karl Glazebrook,Colin Jacobs


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We provide an analysis of a convolutional neural network's ability to identify the lensing signal of single dark matter subhalos in strong galaxy-galaxy lenses in the presence of increasingly complex source light morphology. We simulate a balanced dataset of 800,000 strong lens images both perturbed and unperturbed by a single subhalo ranging in virial mass between 10^7.5 M_⊙ - 10^11M_⊙ and characterise the source complexity by the number of Sersic clumps present in the source plane ranging from 1 to 5. Using the ResNet50 architecture we train the network to classify images as either perturbed or unperturbed. We find that the network is able to detect subhalos at low enough masses to distinguish between dark matter models even with complex sources and that source complexity has little impact on the accuracy beyond 3 clumps. The model was more confident in its classification when the clumps in the source were compact, but cared little about their spatial distribution. We also tested for the resolution of the data, finding that even in conditions akin to natural seeing the model was still able to achieve an accuracy of 74 this is heavily dominated by the high mass subhalos. It's robustness against resolution is attributed to the model learning the flux ratio anomalies in the perturbed lenses which are conserved in the lower resolution data.
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