Three-dimensional Venusian ionosphere model

Antoine Martinez,Jean-Yves Chaufray,Sébastien Lebonnois, Francisco Gonzàlez-Galindo,Franck Lefèvre, Gabriella Gilli


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To study the Venusian ionosphere, a 3D ionospheric model is included in the Venus Planetary Climate Model (Venus PCM), which we present here with a number of recent extensions and improvements. Our ionospheric model of Venus consists of 15 charged species (electron and 14 ions), 13 photo-ionization for 8 species, an ion-neutral chemistry (61 reactions) and an ambipolar diffusion scheme for the ion vertical transport. The electron temperature is assumed independent of the solar activity. Simulation results are compared with observation from the Pioneer Venus (PV) and Venus Express (VEX) for high and low/intermediate solar activity respectively. The model shows that ambipolar diffusion dominates photochemical equilibrium above 180 km and above 130 km altitude on the dayside and the nightside respectively. On the dayside, the electron density predicted by Venus PCM and its variation with solar zenith angle (SZA) are in good agreement with PV observations at high solar activity, even if the secondary electron peak is underestimated by the model, due to the absence of (photo-)electron impact ionization process, in Venus PCM. At higher solar activity, the predicted horizontal and vertical variations in electron and ion densities are both significantly underestimated on the nightside, probably due to the currently predicted weak day-to-night transport and the absence of photo-electron impact ionization process which is the main source of ion production on the nightside. On the dayside at low solar activity, the electron density predicted by Venus PCM are over-estimated by a factor 1.25 at the altitude of the main ionospheric peak and by a factor 2–3 at 250 km, compared to VEX observations. We suggest that this difference between high and low solar activity is linked to the overestimation of the neutral density at low solar activity and the independence of electron temperature with solar activity used in Venus PCM, which should have a significant effect on ion chemistry and the scale height of ion species.
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