Meeting Report for the Phenoscape TraitFest 2023 with Comments on Organising Interdisciplinary Meetings

Jennifer C. Girón Duque,Meghan Balk,Wasila Dahdul,Hilmar Lapp, István Mikó, Elie Alhajjar, Brenen Wynd,Sergei Tarasov, Christopher Lawrence, Basanta Khakurel, Arthur Porto, Lin Yan, Isadora E Fluck, Diego Porto, Joseph Keating, Israel Borokini,Katja Seltmann,Giulio Montanaro,Paula Mabee

Biodiversity Information Science and Standards(2024)

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The Phenoscape project has developed ontology-based tools and a knowledge base that enables the integration and discovery of phenotypes across species from the scientific literature. The Phenoscape TraitFest 2023 event aimed to promote innovative applications that adopt the capabilities supported by the data in the Phenoscape Knowledgebase and its corresponding semantics-enabled tools, algorithms and infrastructure. The event brought together 26 participants, including domain experts in biodiversity informatics, taxonomy and phylogenetics and software developers from various life-sciences programming toolkits and phylogenetic software projects, for an intense four-day collaborative software coding event. The event was designed as a hands-on workshop, based on the Open Space Technology methodology, in which participants self-organise into subgroups to collaboratively plan and work on their shared research interests. We describe how the workshop was organised, the projects developed and outcomes resulting from the workshop, as well as the challenges in bringing together a diverse group of participants to engage productively in a collaborative environment.
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