
Seasonality in Carbon Flux Attenuation Explains Spatial Variability in Transfer Efficiency


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Each year, the biological carbon pump (BCP) transports large quantities of carbon from the ocean surface to the interior. The efficiency of this transfer varies geographically, and is a key determinant of the atmosphere-ocean carbon dioxide balance. Traditionally, the attention has been focused on explaining perceived geographical variations in this transfer efficiency (TE) in an attempt to understand it, an approach that has led to conflicting results. Here we combine observations and modeling to show that the spatial variability in TE can instead be explained by the seasonal variability in carbon flux attenuation. We also show that seasonality can explain the contrast between known global estimates of TE, due to differences in the date and duration of sampling. Our results suggest caution in the mechanistic interpretation of annual-mean patterns in TE and demonstrates that seasonally and spatially resolved data sets and models might be required to generate accurate evaluations of the BCP. Each year, marine phytoplankton convert carbon dioxide into millions of tonnes of organic carbon with a fraction of it reaching the deep ocean, where it can remain for hundreds of years. The efficiency of this surface-to-depth carbon transfer is therefore a key determinant of the atmosphere-ocean carbon dioxide balance. However, the variability of this transfer efficiency (TE) and its underlying causes are poorly understood, to the extent that different studies report contradicting results. We show that the existence of seasonal variability in the attenuation of sinking carbon particles can explain the observed spatial variability in annual TE and reconcile with the literature. Our findings suggest caution in interpreting results from sparse but time-varying data sets, highlighting that seasonal variability should be considered when studying the oceanic carbon cycle. Spatial variability in carbon transfer efficiency (TE) can be generated solely by the seasonality of flux attenuation informed by observations Seasonality in flux attenuation can reconcile contrasting TE maps reported in the literature Resolving and understanding seasonality are key for an accurate evaluation of the biological carbon pump under climate change
biological carbon pump,carbon transfer efficiency,seasonality in flux attenuation,mesopelagic ocean,sinking speed,remineralization
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