
Long Qt Mutations And Kcne1 Beta-Subunit Modulate S4 Movement In Kcnq1 Channel


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The KCNQ1 potassium channel is expressed in many different cell types and plays widely different physiological roles. For example, in the heart KCNQ1 forms part of the voltage-gated IKs channels that contributes to limiting the duration of the cardiac action potential. The different functions of the KCNQ1 channel are mainly due to the co-assembly of the KCNQ1 channel with different beta subunits from the KCNE family. The IKS channel consists of 4 α-subunits (KCNQ1) which assemble with 2 to 4 β subunits (KCNE1). Mutations in either KCNQ1 or KCNE1 subunit cause multiple cardiac arrhythmia syndromes such as long QT syndrome, short QT syndrome, and familial atrial fibrillation. Here we use Voltage clamp fluorometry (VCF) to directly study the effects of wild type, mutant KCNQ1 and KCNE1 subunits on the voltage sensor movement in KCNQ1 channel. We assess the voltage sensor movement (fluorescence) and channel opening (current), in order to understand the coupling between the KCNQ1 voltage sensor and channel gate in the presence of KCNE1. Our data show that KCNE1 splits the voltage sensor movement in two separates phases. An early phase (1) involving voltage sensor movements to its active state upon changes in the membrane potential occurs at hyperpolarized potentials. A second phase (2) that happens at much more depolarized potentials involves an additional voltage sensor movement which is tightly coupled to channel opening. Mutations in KCNE1 that cause arrhythmia shift the voltage dependence of the voltage sensor movements of either phases 1 or 2 (or both), revealing some of the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathophysiology of these arrhythmia-causing mutations. Our data suggests a putative mechanism for how KCNE1 exerts its effects on the voltage sensor movement during IKs channel activation.
long qt mutations
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