
High-resolution cross section measurements for neutron interactions on 89Y with incident neutron energies up to 95 keV

G. Tagliente,P. M. Milazzo,C. Paradela,S. Kopecky,D. Vescovi,G. Alaerts,L. A. Damone,J. Heyse,M. Krticka,P. Schillebeeckx,A. Mengoni,R. Wynants,S. Valenta,O. Aberle,V. Alcayne,S. Amaducci,J. Andrzejewski, L. Audouin,V. Babiano-Suarez,M. Bacak,M. Barbagallo,V. Becares,F. Becvar,G. Bellia,E. Berthoumieux,J. Billowes,D. Bosnar,A. S. Brown,M. Busso,M. Caamano,L. Caballero,M. Calviani,F. Calvino, D. Cano-Ott,A. Casanovas,F. Cerutti,Y. H. Chen,E. Chiaveri,N. Colonna,G. P. Cortes,M. A. Cortes-Giraldo,L. Cosentino,S. Cristallo,M. Diakaki,M. Dietz,C. Domingo-Pardo,R. Dressler,E. Dupont,I. Duran,Z. Eleme,B. Fernandez-Domingez,A. Ferrari,I. Ferro-Goncalves,P. Finocchiaro,V. Furman,R. Garg,A. Gawlik,S. Gilardoni,T. Glodariu,K. Goebel,E. Gonzalez-Romero,C. Guerrero,F. Gunsing,S. Heinitz,D. G. Jenkins,E. Jericha,Y. Kadi,F. Kaeppeler,A. Kimura,N. Kivel,M. Kokkoris,Y. Kopatch,D. Kurtulgil,I. Ladarescu,A. C. Larsen,C. Lederer-Woods,J. Lerendegui-Marco,S. Lo Meo,S. J. Lonsdale,M. Lugaro,D. Macina,A. Manna,T. Martinez,A. Masi,C. Massimi,P. F. Mastinu,M. Mastromarco,F. Matteucci,E. Maugeri,A. Mazzone,E. Mendoza,V. Michalopoulou,F. Mingrone,A. Musumarra,A. Negret,R. Nolte,F. Ogallar,A. Oprea,N. Patronis,A. Pavlik,J. Perkowski,L. Piersanti,I. Porras,J. Praena, J. M. Quesada,D. Radeck,D. Ramos Doval,R. Reifarth,D. Rochman,C. Rubbia,M. Sabate-Gilarte,A. Saxena,D. Schumann,A. G. Smith,M. Spelta,N. Sosnin,A. Stamatopoulos,J. L. Tain,Z. Talip,A. E. Tarifeno-Saldivia,L. Tassan-Got,P. Torres-Sanchez,A. Tsinganis,J. Ulrich,S. Urlass,G. Vannini,V. Variale,P. Vaz,A. Ventura,V. Vlachoudis,R. Vlastou,A. Wallner,P. J. Woods,T. J. Wright,P. Zugec


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The cross section of the Y-89(n,gamma) reaction has important implications in nuclear astrophysics and for advanced nuclear technology. Given its neutron magic number N = 50 and a consequent small neutron capture crosssection,89Y represents one of the key nuclides for the stellars-process. It acts as a bottleneck in the neutron capture chain between the Fe seed and the heavier elements. Moreover, it is located at the overlapping region, where both the weak and mains-process components take place.Y-89, the only stable yttrium isotope, is also used in innovative nuclear reactors. Neutron capture and transmission measurements were per-formed at the time-of-flight facilities n_TOF at CERN and GELINA at JRC-Geel. Resonance parameters of individual resonances were extracted from a resonance analysis of the experimental transmission and capture yields, up to a neutron incident energy of 95 keV. Even though a comparison with results reported in the literature shows differences in resonance parameters, the present data are consistent with the Maxwellian averaged cross section suggested by the astro-physical database KADoNiS.
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