Optimal quantum circuit cuts with application to clustered Hamiltonian simulation


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We study methods to replace entangling operations with random local operations in a quantum computation, at the cost of increasing the number of required executions. First, we consider "space-like cuts" where an entangling unitary is replaced with random local unitaries. We propose an entanglement measure for quantum dynamics, the product extent, which bounds the cost in a procedure for this replacement based on two copies of the Hadamard test. In the terminology of prior work, this procedure yields a quasiprobability decomposition with minimal 1-norm in a number of cases, which addresses an open question of Piveteau and Sutter. As an application, we give dramatically improved bounds on clustered Hamiltonian simulation. Specifically we show that interactions can be removed at a cost exponential in the sum of their strengths times the evolution time. We also give an improved upper bound on the cost of replacing wires with measure-and-prepare channels using "time-like cuts". We prove a matching information-theoretic lower bound when estimating output probabilities.
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