
High-resolution X-Ray imaging of small animal samples based on Commercial-Off-The-Shelf CMOS image sensors

Martin Perez, Gerardo M. Lado, German Mato, Diego G. Franco, Ignacio Artola Vinciguerra,Mariano Gomez Berisso,Federico J. Pomiro,Jose Lipovetzky, Luciano Marpegan

Journal of X-ray science and technology(2024)

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An automated system for acquiring microscopic-resolution radiographic images of biological samples was developed. Mass-produced, low-cost, and easily automated components were used, such as Commercial-Off-The-Self CMOS image sensors (CIS), stepper motors, and control boards based on Arduino and RaspberryPi. System configuration, imaging protocols, and Image processing (filtering and stitching) were defined to obtain high-resolution images and for successful computational image reconstruction. Radiographic images were obtained for animal samples including the widely used animal models zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the fruit-fly (Drosophila melanogaster), as well as other small animal samples. The use of phosphotungstic acid (PTA) as a contrast agent was also studied. Radiographic images with resolutions of up to (7 +/- 0.6) mu m were obtained, making this system comparable to commercial ones. This work constitutes a starting point for the development of more complex systems such as X-ray attenuation micro-tomography systems based on low-cost off-the-shelf technology. It will also bring the possibility to expand the studies that can be carried out with small animal models at many institutions (mostly those working on tight budgets), particularly those on the effects of ionizing radiation and absorption of heavy metal contaminants in animal tissues.
Zebrafish,Drosophila,CMOS,image processing,image sensors,X-ray imaging
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