
Navigating the NFT Twittersphere: Insights from Geographic, Temporal, and Engagement Analysis

Amit Kumar,Neha Sharma,Rahul Chauhan, Manish Sharma

2023 3rd International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON)(2023)

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The advent of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has brought about a paradigm shift with profound implications in the digital domain. The prevalence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has led to a notable increase in lively and impactful discussions pertaining to them on the social media platform, Twitter. This study explores the realm of discourse surrounding non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the social media platform Twitter, utilizing a comprehensive dataset obtained through the Twitter API. The scope of our research entails a thorough examination of the dissemination of tweets, levels of user interaction, geographical variation, and temporal patterns within this dynamic context. By employing rigorous techniques for data preparation, research, and visualization, we are able to reveal intricate patterns and trends. The examination of geographical patterns uncovers the extent of worldwide discussions surrounding non-fungible tokens (NFTs), whilst the analysis of time delves into the levels of interaction observed on an hourly, daily, and yearly basis. This study paper offers significant insights for stakeholders who aim to comprehend and leverage the influence of talks pertaining to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Twitter platform. It presents practical implications for content providers, marketers, and researchers as they navigate the complex NFT ecosystem. This study sets the foundation for future inquiries into sentiment analysis, event-driven interaction, and the dynamic nature of debate surrounding digital assets in the evolving NFT arena.
Blockchain technology,NFT,Twitter Analysis
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