
Quantum Scaling of the Spin Lattice Relaxation Rate in the Checkerboard J-Q Model

Chengchen Li,Huihang Lin,Rong Yu

Journal of physics Condensed matter(2024)

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Motivated by recent progress on the experimental realization of proximate deconfined quantum critical point in a frustrated quantum magnet, we study the low-energy spin dynamics of a related checkerboard J-Q model by using quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The ground state of this model undergoes a weakly first-order quantum phase transition with an emergent O(4) symmetry between an antiferromagnetic state and a plaquette valence bond solid. The calculated spin lattice relaxation rate of nuclear magnetic resonance, 1/T-1, exhibits distinct low-temperature behaviors depending on the ground states. With decreasing the temperature, 1/T-1 rises up on the antiferromagnetic side, characterizing a crossover to the renormalized classical regime, whereas 1/T-1 drops exponentially on the side of valence bond solid, reflecting the gap opening in the plaquette ordered phase. The extracted spin gap scales with the distance to the transition point as a power-law with an exponent phi approximate to 0.3, consistent with the scaling ansatz phi = vz with nu approximate to 0.3 and z = 1. Near the quantum phase transition, the temperature dependent 1/T-1 shows a broad crossover regime where a universal scaling 1/T-1 similar to T-eta with eta approximate to 0.6 is found. Our results suggest a quantum scaling regime associated with the emergent enhanced symmetry near this first-order quantum phase transition.
Quantum phase transitions,spin frustration,valence bond phases,spin dynamics
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