3D Convolutional Deep Learning for Nonlinear Estimation of Body Composition from Whole-Body Morphology.

Research square(2024)

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Total and regional body composition are strongly correlated with metabolic syndrome and have been estimated non-invasively from 3D optical scans using linear parameterizations of body shape and linear regression models. Prior works produced accurate and precise predictions on many, but not all, body composition targets relative to the reference dual X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurement. Here, we report the effects of replacing linear models with nonlinear parameterization and regression models on the precision and accuracy of body composition estimation in a novel application of deep 3D convolutional graph networks to human body composition modeling. We assembled an ensemble dataset of 4286 topologically standardized 3D optical scans from four different human body shape databases, DFAUST, CAESAR, Shape Up! Adults, and Shape Up! Kids and trained a parameterized shape model using a graph convolutional 3D autoencoder (3DAE) in lieu of linear PCA. We trained a nonlinear Gaussian process regression (GPR) on the 3DAE parameter space to predict body composition via correlations to paired DXA reference measurements from the Shape Up! scan subset. We tested our model on a set of 424 randomly withheld test meshes and compared the effects of nonlinear computation against prior linear models. Nonlinear GPR produced up to 20% reduction in prediction error and up to 30% increase in precision over linear regression for both sexes in 10 tested body composition variables. Deep shape features produced 6-8% reduction in prediction error over linear PCA features for males only and a 4-14% reduction in precision error for both sexes. Our best performing nonlinear model predicting body composition from deep features outperformed prior work using linear methods on all tested body composition prediction metrics in both precision and accuracy. All coefficients of determination (R2) for all predicted variables were above 0.86. We show that GPR is a more precise and accurate method for modeling body composition mappings from body shape features than linear regression. Deep 3D features learned by a graph convolutional autoencoder only improved male body composition accuracy but improved precision in both sexes. Our work achieved lower estimation RMSEs than all previous work on 10 metrics of body composition.
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