Early generation of a precursor CD8 T cell that can adapt to acute or chronic viral infection.

Research square(2024)

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Virus specific PD-1+ TCF-1+ TOX+ stem-like CD8+ T cells are essential for maintaining T cell responses during chronic infection and are also critical for PD-1 directed immunotherapy. In this study we have used the mouse model of chronic LCMV infection to examine when these virus specific stem-like CD8+ T cells are generated during the course of chronic infection and what is the role of antigen in maintaining the stem-like program. We found that these stem-like CD8+ T cells are generated early (day 5) during chronic infection and that antigen is essential for maintaining their stem-like program. This early generation of stem-like CD8+ T cells suggested that the fate commitment to this cell population was agnostic to the eventual outcome of infection and the immune system prepares a priori for a potential chronic infection. Indeed, we found that an identical virus specific stem-cell like CD8+ T cell population was also generated during acute LCMV infection but these cells were lost once the virus was cleared. To determine the fate of these early PD-1+TCF-1+TOX+ stem-like CD8+ T cells that are generated during both acute and chronic LCMV infection we set up two reciprocal adoptive transfer experiments. In the first experiment we transferred day 5 stem-like CD8+ T cells from chronically infected into acutely infected mice and examined their differentiation after viral clearance. We found that these early stem-like CD8+ T cells downregulated canonical markers of the chronic stem-like CD8+ T cells and expressed markers (CD127 and CD62L) associated with central memory CD8+ T cells. In the second experiment, we transferred day 5 stem-like cells from acutely infected mice into chronically infected mice and found that these CD8+ T cells could function like resource cells after transfer into a chronic environment by generating effector CD8+ T cells in both lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues while also maintaining the number of stem-like CD8+ T cells. These findings provide insight into the generation and maintenance of virus specific stem-like CD8+ T cells that play a critical role in chronic viral infection. In particular, our study highlights the early generation of stem-like CD8+ T cells and their ability to adapt to either an acute or chronic infection. These findings are of broad significance since these novel stem-like CD8+ T cells play an important role in not only viral infections but also in cancer and autoimmunity.
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