
Nitrogen Addition Does Not Alter Symmetric Responses of Soil Respiration to Changing Precipitation in a Semi-Arid Grassland.

Lingjie Kong, Jian Song,Jingyi Ru,Jiayin Feng, Jiawei Hou, Xueke Wang, Qingshan Zhang,Haidao Wang,Xiaojing Yue,Zhenxing Zhou,Dasheng Sun,Jiajia Zhang, Heng Li, Yongge Fan,Shiqiang Wan

Science of the total environment(2024)

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Concurrent changing precipitation regimes and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition can have profound influences on soil carbon (C) cycling. However, how N enrichment regulates the responses of soil C fluxes to increasing variability of precipitation remains elusive. As part of a field precipitation gradient experiment with nine levels of precipitation amounts (-60 %, -45 %, -30 %, -15 %, ambient precipitation, +15 %, +30 %, +45 %, and +60 %) and two levels of N addition (0 and 10 g N m- 2 yr- 1) in a semi -arid temperate steppe on the Mongolian Plateau, this work was conducted to investigate the responses of soil respiration to decreased and increased precipitation (DP and IP), N addition, and their possible interactions. Averaged over the three years from 2019 to 2021, DP suppressed soil respiration by 16.1 %, whereas IP stimulated it by 27.4 %. Nitrogen addition decreased soil respiration by 7.1 % primarily via reducing microbial biomass C. Soil respiration showed symmetric responses to DP and IP within all the four precipitation variabilities (i.e., 15 %, 30 %, 45 %, and 60 %) under ambient N. Nevertheless, N addition did not alter the symmetric responses of soil respiration to changing precipitation due to the comparable sensitivities of microbial biomass and root growth to DP and IP under the N addition treatment. These findings indicate that intensified precipitation variability does not change but N addition could alleviate soil C releases. The unchanged symmetric responses of soil respiration to precipitation variability under N addition imply that N deposition may not change the response pattern of soil C releases to predicted increases in precipitation variability in grasslands, facilitating the robust projections of ecosystem C cycling under future global change scenarios.
Carbon cycling,Nitrogen,Rainfall regime,Temperate steppe,Water availability
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