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Biomedical Signal Processing: A Modern Approach

Paul H. King, Ganesh R. Naik, Wellington Pinheiro dos Santos


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This book is aimed at researchers, graduate students in biomedical signal processing, signal processing, electrical engineering, neuroscience, and computer science," and aims to present "the theoretical basis and applications of biomedical signal analysis and processing. The text consists of some 14 chapters subdivided into four sections: Physiological signal processing; EEG-ECG signal processing; Gait, balanace signal processing; and Wearables, sensors signaling. This text is replete with acronyms, some of which are not defined. A tabular listing (appendix, say) would be useful. The content and comprehensiveness of the chapters is highly variable, due to the range of topics (and depth of same) covered by the mixture of authors. Overall, the text seems a collection of overviews, rather than of tutorial or teaching content.
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Key words
Book reviews,Biomedical signal processing,Physiology,Neuroscience,Human computer interaction,Electroencephalography,Biomedical imaging
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