Curation, Nomenclature, and Topological Classification of Receptor-Like Kinases from 528 Plant Species for Novel Domain Discovery and Functional Inference.

Molecular Plant(2024)

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Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are the most numerous signal transduction components in plants and play important roles in determining how different plants adapt to their ecological environments. Research on RLKs has focused mainly on a small number of typical RLK members in a few model plants. There is an urgent need to study the composition, distribution, and evolution of RLKs at the holistic level to increase our understanding of how RLKs assist in the ecological adaptations of different plant species. In this study, we collected the genome assemblies of 528 plant species and constructed an RLK dataset. Using this dataset, we identified and characterized 524 948 RLK family members. Each member underwent systematic topological classification and was assigned a gene ID based on a unified nomenclature system. Furthermore, we identified two novel extracellular domains in some RLKs, designated Xiao and Xiang. Evolutionary analysis of the RLK family revealed that the RLCK-XVII and RLCK-XII-2 classes were present exclusively in dicots, suggesting that diversification of RLKs between monocots and dicots may have led to differences in downstream cytoplasmic responses. We also used an interaction proteome to help empower data mining for inference of new RLK functions from a global perspective, with the ultimate goal of understanding how RLKs shape the adaptation of different plants to the environments/ecosystems. The assembled RLK dataset, together with annotations and analytical tools, forms an integrated foundation of multiomics data that is publicly accessible via the metaRLK web portal (
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RLK,RLCK,domain,signaling pathway,receptor-protein interactions
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