
Probiotic Potential and Wound-Healing Activity of Pediococcus Pentosaceus Strain AF2 Isolated from Herniaria Glabra L. Which is Traditionally Used to Make Yogurt

Archives of Microbiology(2024)

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Probiotics have been a part of our lives for centuries, primarily through fermented foods. They find applications in various fields such as food, healthcare, and agriculture. Nowadays, their utilization is expanding, highlighting the importance of discovering new bacterial strains with probiotic properties suitable for diverse applications. In this study, our aim was to isolate new probiotic bacteria. Herniaria glabra L., a plant traditionally used for yogurt making in some regions and recognized in official medicine in many countries, was chosen as the source for obtaining probiotic bacteria. We conducted bacterial isolation from the plant, molecularly identified the isolated bacteria using 16S rRNA sequencing, characterized their probiotic properties, and assessed their wound-healing effects. As a result of these studies, we identified the bacterium isolated from the plant as Pediococcus pentosaceus strain AF2. We found that the strain AF2 exhibited high resistance to conditions within the gastrointestinal tract. Our reliability analysis showed that the isolate had γ-hemolytic activity and displayed sensitivity to certain tested antibiotics. At the same time, AF2 did not show gelatinase and DNase activity. We observed that the strain AF2 produced metabolites with inhibitory activity against E. coli , B. subtilis , P. vulgaris , S. typhimurium , P. aeruginosa , K. pneumoniae , E. cloacae , and Y. pseudotuberculosis . The auto-aggregation value of the strain AF2 was calculated at 73.44%. Coaggregation values against E. coli and L. monocytogenes bacteria were determined to be 56.8% and 57.38%, respectively. Finally, we tested the wound-healing effect of the strain AF2 with cell culture studies and found that the strain AF2 promoted wound healing.
Herniaria glabra L.,Pediococcus pentosaceus,Probiotic,Wound healing
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