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Debugging Convergence Problems in Probabilistic Programs Via Program Representation Learning with SixthSense

International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer(2024)

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Probabilistic programming aims to open the power of Bayesian reasoning to software developers and scientists, but identification of problems during inference and debugging are left entirely to the developers and typically require significant statistical expertise. A common class of problems when writing probabilistic programs is the lack of convergence of the probabilistic programs to their posterior distributions. We present SixthSense, a novel approach for predicting probabilistic program convergence ahead of run and its application to debugging convergence problems in probabilistic programs. SixthSense’s training algorithm learns a classifier that can predict whether a previously unseen probabilistic program will converge. It encodes the syntax of a probabilistic program as motifs – fragments of the syntactic program paths. The decisions of the classifier are interpretable and can be used to suggest the program features that contributed significantly to program convergence or non-convergence. We also present an algorithm for augmenting a set of training probabilistic programs that uses guided mutation. We evaluated SixthSense on a broad range of widely used probabilistic programs. Our results show that SixthSense features are effective in predicting convergence of programs for given inference algorithms. SixthSense obtained accuracy of over 78% for predicting convergence, substantially above the state-of-the-art techniques for predicting program properties Code2Vec and Code2Seq. We show the ability of SixthSense to guide the debugging of convergence problems, which pinpoints the causes of non-convergence significantly better by Stan’s built-in warnings.
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Probabilistic programming,Debugging,Machine learning
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