
Some epistemological foundations in game theory Based on a reading of “Theory of Game and Economic Behavior” by John von Neumann and Oscar Morgenstern

روش شناسی علوم انسانی(2021)

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Choosing any device of the axiomatic system can limit the level of our access to the real things and consequently our knowledge of the world around us to the principles of that device. This article tries to examine this issue from the perspective of the philosophy of science and shows how this issue has been addressed in the book “Theory of Games and Economic Behavior” by John von Neumann and Oscar Morgenstern. For this reason, several main axes such as "rationality", "determinism the system of a game", "equilibrium" and "the principle of ceteris paribus" are considered as principles in economics and how these axioms are placed within the system of Mathematical axiomatic system of game theory. Our general view is that one of the reasons that game theory cannot describe and analyze economic behavior, in general, is that it considers the world as a single-order system, and therefore the causal chain in this system is very long, while Self-organizing systems seek to create multidisciplinary organizations and are therefore willing to add to the complexity of the system for this purpose. Mathematics has a tool called isomorphism to compare order between two structures, but there is no such tool in economics, and so we often do not know that we are operating within two systems with different orders.
game theory",axioms of mathematical and economic ",self-organization",order",",isomorphism"
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