
Optimization Method of Refracturing Timing for Old Shale Gas Wells

Petroleum exploration and development(2024)

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Based on the elastic theory of porous media, embedded discrete fracture model and finite volume method, and considering the micro-seepage mechanism of shale gas, a fully coupled seepage-geomechanical model suitable for fractured shale gas reservoirs is established, the optimization method of refracturing timing is proposed, and the influencing factors of refracturing timing are analyzed based on the data from shale gas well in Fuling of Sichuan Basin. The results show that due to the depletion of formation pressure, the percentage of the maximum horizontal principal stress reversal area in the total area increases and then decreases with time. The closer the area is to the hydraulic fracture, the shorter the time for the peak of the stress reversal area percentage curve to appear, and the shorter the time for the final zero return (to the initial state). The optimum time of refracturing is affected by matrix permeability, initial stress difference and natural fracture approach angle. The larger the matrix permeability and initial stress difference is, the shorter the time for stress reversal area percentage curve to reach peak and return to the initial state, and the earlier the time to take refracturing measures. The larger the natural fracture approach angle is, the more difficult it is for stress reversal to occur near the fracture, and the earlier the optimum refracturing time is. The more likely the stress reversal occurs at the far end of the artificial fracture, the later the optimal time of refracturing is. Reservoirs with low matrix permeability have a rapid decrease in single well productivity. To ensure economic efficiency, measures such as shut-in or gas injection can be taken to restore the stress, and refracturing can be implemented in advance.
shale gas well,fully coupled seepage-geomechanical model,refracturing,timing optimization,influencing factor
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