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Registration of Arkot 1202, Arkot 1207, Arkot 1208, and Arkot 1214 Cotton Germplasm Lines


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Arkot 1202 (Reg. no. GP-1143, PI 702793), Arkot 1207 (Reg. no. GP-1144, PI 702794), Arkot 1208 (Reg. no. GP-1145, PI 702795), and 'Arkot 1214' (Reg. no. GP-1146, PI 702796) are conventional cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm lines released by the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station in June 2023. Arkot 1202, Arkot 1207, and Arkot 1208 lines share 'UA48' (PVP 201100041) as a common parent. The second parent for Arkot 1202 and Arkot 1207 was MD25-87Y and 'Columbia', respectively. The second parent for Arkot 1208 was the F1 of a double cross of F1 (Ark 0219-15 crossed with LA063071653) and F1 (Arkot 0222 crossed with Ark 0203-11). Arkot 1214 was derived from a four-way cross of two double crosses: F1 (MD25-26ne crossed with Arkot 0113) and F1 (Arkot 0114 crossed with 'UA222'). In replicated field tests at four Arkansas sites over 5 years, the four lines produced more lint yield than UA48 and UA222. Wide adaptation of the lines was indicated by high lint yields of lines in 2020 regional tests. All four lines displayed high resistance to bacterial blight and Fusarium wilt race 1. Plant (leaf, stem, and bract) trichomes and tarnished plant bug response of Arkot 1202 and Arkot 1214 were equal to UA48, but Arkot 1207 and Arkot 1208 were equal to UA222. Yield component values of the four lines were equal to or better than UA222. The maturity and fiber quality of Arkot 1202 approached that of UA48 while the other three were similar to UA222. Four conventional cotton germplasm lines were released by the University of Arkansas.Three of the lines shared UA48 as a parent; two were derived from double crosses.All four lines produced higher yields than UA48 and UA222 in Arkansas tests.All four lines produced high yields across contrasting environments of 2020 regional tests.The lines combine superior host plant resistance, fiber quality, earliness, and yield traits.
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Cotton Genomics
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