Melt-grown semi-insulating Mn:β-Ga2O3 single crystals exhibiting unique visible absorptions and luminescence


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Several acceptor dopants have been explored in beta-Ga2O3 to produce semi-insulating substrates and epitaxial films. Fe and Mg make up the majority of research thus far; however, other transition metals provide potential alternatives for optimized performance. beta-Ga2O3 bulk single crystals were grown by the Czochralski and vertical gradient freeze methods with a nominal dopant concentration of 0.25 at. % Mn. Ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectroscopy and photoluminescence revealed polarization- and orientation-dependent optical absorptions (pleochroism) coupled with an orange luminescence. All samples were electrically insulating, on the order of 10(9)-10(11) ohm cm at room temperature, indicative of acceptor doping. Actual dopant concentrations of the intentionally doped transition metal and background impurities were determined via glow discharge mass spectrometry, indicating the macroscale segregation behavior. High-temperature resistivity measurements indicated an experimental acceptor level of 1.7 +/- 0.2 eV. Hydrogenation of samples resulted in an increase in the orange luminescence and O-H stretching modes observable in the infrared spectrum. Density functional theory calculations were performed to determine the likely site-occupancy and acceptor level of Mn in the bandgap.
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