Advancing Human Action Recognition with Foundation Models Trained on Unlabeled Public Videos


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The increasing variety and quantity of tagged multimedia content on a variety of online platforms offer a unique opportunity to advance the field of human action recognition. In this study, we utilize 283,582 unique, unlabeled TikTok video clips, categorized into 386 hashtags, to train a domain-specific foundation model for action recognition. We employ VideoMAE V2, an advanced model integrating Masked Autoencoders (MAE) with Vision Transformers (ViT), pre-trained on this diverse collection of unstructured videos. Our model, fine-tuned on established action recognition benchmarks such as UCF101 and HMDB51, achieves state-of-the-art results: 99.05 85.51 ViT-giant backbone. These results highlight the potential of using unstructured and unlabeled videos as a valuable source of diverse and dynamic content for training foundation models. Our investigation confirms that while initial increases in pre-training data volume significantly enhance model performance, the gains diminish as the dataset size continues to expand. Our findings emphasize two critical axioms in self-supervised learning for computer vision: (1) additional pre-training data can yield diminishing benefits for some datasets and (2) quality is more important than quantity in self-supervised learning, especially when building foundation models.
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